martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Inglés IV (Lunes, 30/4/12)

Aprendimos el uso y significado de varios verbos modales:

  • Repasa aquí las características de los verbos modales

  • MUST. Expresa obligación
I must study for my exam
  • MUSTN'T.  Expresa prohibición
You mustn't smoke here
  • CAN/CAN'T.  Expresan habilidad
She can speak French. They can drive. She can't swim
  • CAN.CAN'T.  También pueden expresar posibilidad
It can't be possible
  • CAN. También puede servir para pedir y dar permiso de forma informal
Can I open the window? - Yes, you can.
  • SHOULD. Sirve para dar consejos.
You look ill. You should go to the doctor.
  • MAY. Sirve para expresar posibilidad y pedir permiso de una forma formal.
It may rain tomorrow.
Excuse me. May I say something?

  • Practica:
1. __________ you tell me the way to the nearest bank? (COULD / MUST)
2. We __________ hurry - we're late. (CAN / MUST)
3. You ________ give up smoking. It's bad for your health. (SHOULD / MUSTN'T)
4. "Matrix" is a wonderful film. You _________ watch it. (SHOULD / MUSTN'T)
5. _________ you help me with this exercise? (MAY / CAN)
6. Stephen King's latest book is great! I _________ read it. (CAN / MUST)
7. Mary ________ respect her parents. (CAN / SHOULD)
8. Look at Peter's car. He_________be very rich. (MUST / SHOULD)
9. You ________ drive so fast - it's very dangerous. (MUSTN'T / SHOULD)
10. "Shall we phone Mary now?" --- "I don't know. It's early. She ________ not be home from work yet." (CAN / MAY)

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