miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Inglés no reglado. Lunes, 23/5/11

En clase hemos corregido los ejercicios de repaso de la unidad 4, los ejercicios 5B y C de las páginas 41 y 42 y hemos hecho la lectura de la página 42.
Para el próximo día, hay que hacer el ejercicio 8B de la página 43 y la lectura y las preguntas de la página45.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011

Sociales II - El Barroco (parte II)

Mira estas imágenes y repasa y recuerda los principales conceptos, autores y obras del Barroco:

  • Pedro P. Rubens. El rapto de las hijas de Leucipo
  •  Alberto Churriguera. Iglesia de Orgaz (Toledo)
  •  Narciso Tomé. Transparente de la catedral de Toledo
  •  Gregorio Fernández. Imaginería. Cristo Yacente
  •  Alonso Cano. San Juan Bautista. Pieza decorada con la técnica del estofado.
  •  Bartolomé E. Murillo. La inmaculada concepción
  •  Francisco de Zurbarán. San Hugo en el refectorio
  •  Diego Velázquez. Vieja friendo huevos.
  •  Diego Velázquez. Los borrachos
  •  Diégo Velázquez. Las Meninas
  •  Diego Velázquez. La Venus del espejo

Sociales II - El Barroco (Parte I)

Mira estas imágenes y repasa y recuerda los principales conceptos, autores y obras del Barroco:

  • Columnas salomónicas.

  • Lorenzo Bernini. Plaza de San Pedro y Baldaquino de San Pedro

  •  Francesco Borromini. Iglesia de san Carlino

  •  Lorenzo Bernini. Éxtasis de santa Teresa

  • Caravaggio. Crucifixión de san Pedro y La vocación de san Mateo

Sociales II - Tema 7

Enlace al tema 7 - Conflictos políticos, religiosos y sociales del siglo XVII

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011

Inglés II- Ejercicios de repaso4

1.Fill in the gaps with a correct POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE
  • I have got a car. This is _______car
  • He has got new shoes. These are __________ shoes.
  • The dog has got a bone. That is ________ bone.
  • We have got two children. Those are ________ children
  • You have got a pencil. This is _________ pencil.
2. Write the missing words:
  • When it is __________ you can't see the sun
  • When it is __________ people wear a coat
  • When it is __________ you wear sunglasses
  • When it is ____________ people need a raincoat
  • When it is ____________ people need to hold their hats

3. Write the following dates and hours:

  • 3rdDec
  • 12thMay
  • 1stJan
  • 23.45
  • 4.15
  • 21.55
4. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS
  • _____ Mary______ (read) the newspaper now?
  • ______Mary_______ (read) the newspaper  in the mornings?
  • She never ____________ (work) hard
  • We ______________ (not study) right now.
  • Peter ___________ (go) to the gym everyday.
  • My father _____________ ( not drive) a car.

5. Write the COMPARATIVE form of the adjectives in brackets.
  • Mary is ______________ (intelligent) her sister.
  • John and Martin are ____________________ (fast) the rest of the class
  • This film is ____________________ (good)  the other film
  • This city is _________________ (old)  the other city
  • This exercise is _____________ (difficult) that exercise
6. Write the SUPERLATIVE form of the adjectives in brackets.
  • Turtles are _____________ (interesting) animal on Earth
  • Swimming is ______________(good) sport
  • This is _____________ (bad) book in the library
  • The river Nile is __________ (long) river in the world
  • Mary is the _______________(crazy) woman in London
7. Put in order the following words to make correct sentences:
  • is/Sheila/dinner/right/cooking/now ?
  • the/do/do/sport/any/children/ ?
  • much/milk/is/in/the/how/there/fridge ?
  • often/visit/my/grandmother/ I / in / Madrid
  • doesn't / any / this / vegetables /like/ boy.
8. Fill in the gaps with IN, ON or AT
  • They are sitting ______ the floor
  • Her anniversary  is ______ 2nd May
  • She is standing _______ the bus-stop
  • All my family meets ______ Easter
  • Mary is ______ the bathroom
  • Our exams are _____ May
  • I always watch TV _____ the mornings
  • Please, come to see me _______ Sunday.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

Lengua II - Ortografía: uso de J y G

Uso de la G y la J

  • Se escriben con g los verbos terminados en –ger, -gir, -igerar, excepto tejer y crujir.
  • Se escriben con g todas las palabras que comienzan por geo-.
  • Se escriben con g todas las palabras que comienzan por in-, excepto injerto y sus derivados.
  • Se escriben con g todas las palabras que comienzan por leg- y –gest.
  • Se escriben con g todas las palabras terminadas en –gesimal, -ginal, y –gional.
  • Se escriben con g las palabras llanas terminadas en –gismo, -inge y –gionario, excepto salvajismo yespejismo, derivadas de salvaje y espejo.
  • Se escriben con g las palabas terminadas en –gia, -gio, -gía, -gío, -gión, -gioso, excepto bujía, legía, herejía, apoplejía y otras de menor uso.
  • Se escriben con g las palabras esdrújulas terminadas en –gélico, -gésimo, -gírico, giénico, ígero, -ígera, -ógico, ógica, excepto paradójico derivado de paradoja.
  • Se escriben con j todas las personas de los verbos terminados en –jar.
  • Se escriben con j las formas irregulares que en su infinitivo no tienen ni –g- ni –j- como por ejemploabstraer, decir, traer, conducir y sus compuestos.
  • Se escriben con j las palabras que empiezan por aje-, eje-, excepto agenda, agencia, agente y sus compuestos y derivados.
  • Se escriben con j todos los verbos terminados en –jear, y sus derivados.
  • Se escriben con j todas las palabras terminadas en –aje y-eje excepto protege.
  • Existen palabras homófonas con significado diferente según estén escritas con –g- o –j- como por ejemplo agito/ajito, girón/jirón, gragea/grajea, vegete/vejete.

Lengua II - Ortografía: uso de V y B

 Uso de la B y la V

  • Se escriben con b todos los verbos terminados en –bir, -buir, -aber y –eber, excepto hervir, servir, vivir, precaver, atrever y los compuestos del verbo ver.
  • Se escriben con b las terminaciones –aba, -abas, -ábamos, -abais, -aban, en los verbos terminados en –are –ir.
  • Se escriben con b todas las palabras que empiezan por al- y –ar, excepto Álvaro, alveolo, altivo, altivez y altavoz.
  • Se escriben con b todas las palabras que comienzan con los sonidos bibl-, bea-, abo-, abu-, excepto las formas vea y siguientes del verbo ver.
  • Se escriben con b las palabras que empiezan por los prefijos bi-, bien-, bene-, excepto las palabras que no tengan estos prefijos aunque tengan los mismos sonidos, las cuales se escriben con v.
  • Se escriben con b todas las palabas que empiezan por bu-, bur-, bus-.
  • Se escriben con b todas las palabras que empiezan por bon-, bor-, bog-, bot-, excepto vorágine y voto.
  • Se escriben con b todas las palabas terminadas en –bilidad, -bundo, y –bunda, excepto movilidad y civilidad.
  • Se escribe b antes de cualquier consonante y al final de palaba.
  • Se escriben con v el indefinido de indicativo, el pretérito y futuro imperfecto de subjuntivo de los verbosandar, estar, y tener, así como el presente tanto de indicativo como de subjuntivo del verbo ir.
  • Se escriben con v las palabas que empiezan por di- excepto dibujo, dibujar, dibujante, diabólico y disturbio.
  • Se escriben con v las palabas que empiezan por eva-, eve-, evi-, evo-, excepto ébano, ebanista, ebonitay algunas otras de uso raro.
  • Se escriben con v las palabras que comienzan por cal-, cer-, cla-, con-, y cur-.
  • Se escriben con v las palabras que comienzan por jo-, le-, mal-, mo-, excepto mobiliario.
  • Se escriben con v las palabas que comienzan por lla-, lle-, llo-, llu-.
  • Se escriben con v las palabras que terminan en –ivora, -ívoro, -vira, -viro, excepto víbora.
  • Se escriben con v los nombres de los números y de las estaciones del año.

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Sociales IV - Últimos temas

En este enlace encontraréis los temas 7 (visto en clase) y los temas 5 -La unión europea y 8-Actividad económica en un mundo globalizado, que no los hemos explicado y que contienen sólo los puntos más relevantes.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

Sociales II Mapas y gráficos. La conquista de América. (Tema 6)

Observa estos mapas y gráficos y repasa los principales contenidos del tema de la Conquista de América.
(Haz click en las imágenes para verlas a tamaño grande)

  • Los viajes de Colón.

  • Pueblos nativos americanos

  • Ruta de las conquistas de Hernán Cortés en el Imperio Azteca

  • Ruta de las conquistas de Francisco Pizarro en el Imperio Inca.

  • Ruta de Pedro de Valdivia en su conquista de Chile

  • Primeros virreinatos en América. Virreinato de Nueva España y Virreinato del Perú

  • Rutas de los viajes de Magallanes y Elcano alrededor del mundo
  • Organigramas de la administración del gobierno de los nuevos territorios.

Inglés de IV Repaso3

1. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PRESENT SIMPLE, FUTURE SIMPLE or GOING TO

  • Our flight ___________ (be) at 5.30
  • We ______________ (paint) the house tomorrow
  • Look at that child! He ______________ (fall)
  • Maybe Sally ___________ (marry) Peter
  • I promise ________________ (go) with you .
2. Fill in the gaps with a correct modal verb. Use MUST, MUSTN'T, SHOULD, SHOULDN'T, MAY, CAN, COULD

  • You __________ remember to buy some food
  • You _____________ eat so many sweets. You could gain weight
  • You ____________ talk during the test. It's not allowed
  • It ________ snow tomorrow. We should take some winter clothes.
  • _________ you help me with my homework, please?
3. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets in PAST SIMPLE o PAST CONTINUOS

  • When I heard the news I ______________ (write) an e-mail to the manager.
  • Sally _____________ (do) the washing-up when the ball hit the window.
  • What _________ you _________ (do) when the accident happened?
  • _______ you _________ (finish) the novel while I was watching TV?
  • My parents ______________ (arrive) while  I was sleeping.
4. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets to form a correct CONDITIONAL SENTENCE

  • If she tells the truth I ________ (be) surprised
  • She will finish earlier if her father _________(help) her
  • If he __________(not run) faster he won't win the race.
  • If they don't start working now they ___________ (not have) the project on time
  • If he doesn't apologize to her, she ____________ (not marry) him.
5. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PAST PERFECT tense.

  • She _________ (come) earlier in the morning
  • They __________ (study) really hard, but they didn't pass the exam
  • By the time I arrived, the police __________ (interview) everybody
  • I _______ never ________ (be) to Italy before.
  • She ____________ (drive) a car before, but she was quite unskilled at it.
6. Complete the following sentences with a verb in the PASSIVE FORM:

  • According to the police, nobody ___________ (kill) in car accidents last month.
  • My car _______________ (repair) now. We can drive to London
  • I ______________ (not invite) to the party. I can't go.
7. Change these active sentences into PASSIVE sentences.

  • My brother wrote an e-mail.
  • They make silk dresses in Chine
8. Complete these REPORTED SPEECH sentences.

  • John said: "I like this novel" - John said that he __________ that novel
  • Mary said to Helen: "You are my best friend" - Mary said to Helen that she _________ her best friend.
  • I said: "I will help you with your homework" - I said that I _________ help you with your homework
  • They said: "We went to the park yesterday" - They said that _____   __________ to the park the previous day.
  • Alice said: "I want to be a doctor" - Alice said that she _________ to be a doctor.
9. Fill in the gaps with a correct OBJECT PRONOUN

  • We bought a pair a new shoes. Do you like ___________?
  • Look at that car. I love ______ !
  • I met Carol. I really like _______
  • Peter and I told you about it. Didn't you listen to ______ ?
  • My parents went to Italy, but I didn't go with __________

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011

Inglés II Ejercicios de repaso3

1. Write the following words:

  • Four seasons:
  • Four types of weather:
  • Two types of food
2. Write the following dates and hours:
  • 24th.Oct
  • 9thNov
  • 3rdMay
  • 10.40
  • 5.30
  • 11.05
3. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS
  • _____ Mary______ (use) the computer now?
  • ______Mary_______ (use) the computer in the mornings?
  • She never ____________ (study) hard
  • We ______________ (not work) right now.
  • Peter ___________ (go) to the supermarket everyday.
  • My father _____________ ( not eat) meat. He is a vegetarian
4. Fill in the gaps with a correct POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE:
  • This is Helen's hat. It's ______ hat.
  • These are my children's toys. They are ________ toys
  • This is my family's car. It's __________ car.
  • This is Peter's house. It is _________ house.
5. Write the COMPARATIVE form of the adjectives in brackets.
  • Mary is ______________ (tall) her sister.
  • John and Martin are ____________________ (intelligent) the rest of the class
  • This film is ____________________ (bad)  the other film
  • This city is _________________ (beautiful)  the other city
  • This exercise is _____________ (easy) that exercise
6. Write the SUPERLATIVE form of the adjectives in brackets.
  • Turtles are _____________ (slow) animal on Earth
  • Lady Gaga is ________________ (horrible) singer in the world
  • This is the _____________ (good) book in the library
  • The Everest is the ______________ (high) mountain in the world
  • Mary is the _______________(happy) woman in London
7. Put in order the following words to make correct sentences:
  • is/some/Sheila/eggs/right/cooking/now ?
  • the/do/play/instrument/any/children/ ?
  • much/water/is/in/the/how/there/fridge ?
  • often/visit/my/grandmother/ I / in / Toledo
  • doesn't / any / this / toys /like/ girl.
8. Fill in the gaps with IN, ON or AT
  • They are sitting ______ the sofa
  • Her birthday is ______ 2nd May
  • She is waiting _______ the bus-stop
  • All my family meets ______ Christmas
  • Mary is ______ the kitchen
  • Our exams are _____ June
  • I always watch TV _____ the evenings.
  • Please, come to see me _______ Tuesday.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

Sociales IV - España en el s. XX

 Repasa y recuerda los principales hechos del tema de España en el s.XX (tema 6) leyendo y observando lo siguiente.

  • Año 1898. Pérdida de las colonias españolas. Leer
  • 1909. La semana trágica de Barcelona. Leer.
  • Huelga general de 1917. Leer.
  • La dictadura de M.Primo de Rivera. Leer
  • II República Española

  • La Guerra Civil española.


Sociales IV (jueves 5/5)

Enlace al tema 6 de sociales, España en el siglo XX

jueves, 5 de mayo de 2011

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

Inglés IV Ejercicios de Repaso2

1. Complete the following sentences in correct CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. (0,2 each)
·       If you explain everything to her she ________________ (understand)
·       They won't tell the truth if the police ______________ (not force) them to do it.
·       ___________you ____________ (come) to the party if they invite you?
·       If she is in London she _______________ (phone) you.
·       If he _____________(be) such a good friend he will help us.

2. Fill in the gaps with PAST SIMPLE AND PAST CONTINUOUS tenses (0.1 each)
·       She ___________________(watch) TV while they ______________ (steal) her car.
·       ________you__________ (visit) John while you _____________ (be) in London?
·       When the accident ________________(happen) I________________(sleep).
·       They ______________________(make) a lot of noise while I __________________(study)
·       What __________yoy_________(do) when I __________________ (call) you yesterday?

3. Fill in the gaps with PAST SIMPLE AND PAST PERFECT (0.2 each)
·       He _______________(drink) a lot, so he fell on the floor
·       After all the guests had left he _________________ (clean) the kitchen
·       He ____________________(write) a lot of books before he won the Nobel Prize
·       My mother had arrived home and I __________________(not finish) the cleaning
·       ___________you______________(be) to Madrid before?

4. Fill in the gaps with PRESENT SIMPLE, GOING TO or FUTURE SIMPLE (0.2 each)
·       I think they __________________(demolish) this building
·       Look! It __________________________(be) a great party.
·       There are heavy clouds. It ______________________(snow)
·       The course _________________(start) in September
·       He promises he _______________(clean) all the house after the party
5. Use these verbs to write a correct PASSIVE VOICE in present simple or past simple.  (0.2 each) READ/USE/BUILD/MAKE/SPEAK
·       A lot of books _________________ in this library
·       This dress _______________________ out of silk
·       Chinese ______________________in this restaurant
·       Millions of stones _______________ to make this wall in the 18th century
·       Hundreds of houses___________________ in this area of the city last year.

6. Change the words to make a correct INDIRECT SPEECH. (0.1each)
·       She told you: "You were in the park yesterday"
                  She told you that (          )  (             ) in the park (                                     )
·       They said: "We can't accept this proposal"
                  They said that (             ) (                   ) accept (             ) proposal
·       Peter told me: "I will help you with your luggage tomorrow"
                  Peter told me that (           ) (                ) help me with (          ) luggage (             )

7. Choose the correct MODAL VERB. (0.2each)
·       Excuse me, sir. _____________ I ask you a question? (MAY / SHOULD)
·       Excuse me, sir. ________________ you open the window (COULD/MUST)
·       You ______________ study harder if you want that degree (CAN/MUST)
·       You ________________ clean your teeth trhee times a day. (MUST / SHOULD)
·       You ________________  use your mobile phone in class (MUSTN'T / CAN'T)

8.Write a correct OBJECT PRONOUN (0.2 each)
·       I bought a new pair of shoes. Do you like ___________?
·       She bought a new dress. Do you like ____________?
·       Sorry, speak louder, I can't hear ______________
·       We are looking for Andrew, but we can't find ___________
·       She is a wonderful woman, I think I love ______________

lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011