jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Inglés I (Miércoles, 23/11/11)

La semana pasada dimos por acabado todo el temario. A partir de ahora, haremos ejercicios de repaso para preparar el examen.

Practica con estos ejercicios:

1. Change these nouns into PERSONAL PRONOUNS:
  • Alice. _______
  • You and I ________
  • Alice and Sarah __________
  • John and Peter. ________
  • A cat  _________
2. Guess the hidden word:

  • Person from Sweden. S __ __ __ __ __ __
  • Room where you cook. __ I __ __ __ __ __
  • Your mother's father. G __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
  • The day before Thursday W __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
  • 38 T __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __
3. Put in the correct order the following questions

  • are/from/where/you?
  • you/do/live/where?
  • like/Peter/does/chocolate?
  • got/have/a/they/cat?
  • this/man/is/who?
4. Fill in the blanks with the verb in brackets. USE PRESENT SIMPLE

  • Alice __________ (wash) her car every week.
  • My parents _________ (go) to London every year.
  • We __________ (not study) very hard
  • John ________ (not play) football
  • _____ Alice ______ (like) fish?

Estos fueron los ejercicios que hicimos ayer en clase:

1.   Write the wh-interrogative.

·     _______ is this? – This is a rabbit
·     _____ do you do?
·     _______ is John? – He is in the bathroom
·     ______ is this pen? – It’s John’s

2.   Write the correct answers:

·     How are you? ____________
·     How do you do? __________
·     Where are you from? _________
·     How old are you? ____________
·     Nice to meet you. ____________

3.   Fill in the gaps with the verb TO BE.

·     I _______ a good student
·     She _____ a nurse
·     Peter and Sarah _____ married
·     We ______ good friends
·     You ______ 15 years old

4.   Now write the sentences in exercise 3 into the negative form

5.   Fill in the gaps with the verb TO BE or the verb TO HAVE

·     Sheila ______ 20 years old
·     We _________ (not) a cat
·     They _________ (not) teachers
·     She ______ hungry
·     They _______ tired

6.   Write correct answers

·     My mother’s daughter is my _____
·     My father’s father is my ______
·     John is from France.John is _____
·     Dario is from Brazil. Dario is ______
·     Peter is from Ireland. Peter is ______

7.   Fill in the gaps with a correct verb form. Use PRESENT SIMPLE

·     They _______ (study) French
·     Anthony ________ (go) to Dublin
·     We _________ (not write) e-mails
·     She _________ (not read) newspapers
·     ____ you ______ (like) chocolate?

8.   Write the plural forms of these nouns.

·     Box
·     Bush
·     Mouse
·     Tooth
·     Foot
·     Woman
·     Mouse
·     Sheep
·     Book
·     Tomato

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