viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Inglés IV (Jueves, 18/4/13)

Dedicamos toda la clase a repasar con ejercicios similares a los que puedan caer en el examen, relativos a todos los aspectos gramaticales que ya hemos estudiado.
Practica con estos ejercicios:
1. Read the answers and write a correct INTERROGATIVE for each question:
  • _________ that woman? -She is my aunt
  • ______________ is Madrid from Seseña? - It's 37km.
  • _____________ are you? - I'm 27 years old.
  • _____________ is this? -It's Peter's
2. Write a correct OBJECT PRONOUN:
  • Did you see Peter and Sally? Did you talk to ________?
  • I took a lot of photos. Do you want to see _______?
  • I like this computer. I want to buy _______
  • Listen, Mary, I must talk to ______
  • The president was talking, but nobody was listening to _______
3. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PRESENT SIMPLE, GOING TO or WILL:
  • She thinks she ________________ (get) her university degree in a year
  • In 50 years cars _____________ (be) much faster
  • I _____________________ (visit) my family next week
  • The Eurovision Song Contest _______________ (be) in June.
  • Look at Messi! He __________________ (score) another goal!
4. Complete the following CONDITIONAL sentences:
  • If you tell me the truth I _____________________________
  • If she comes to work today we_______________________
  • I will help you if you ___________________
  • I will travel to USA if ___________________________
  • My wife will get angry if I ________________________
5. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PAST SIMPLE or PAST CONTINUOUS
  • I was listening to the radio when Peter ______________ (come)
  • They were having lunch when the postman ______________(ring) the bell
  • ______ you _______ (live) in London in 1983?
  • She came into the room while we ______________ (prepare) her surprise party
  • What _________ you __________(do) yesterday at 6?
6. Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PAST PERFECT.
  • I _____________ (be) here before
  • They ________________ (take) the decision before they could complain
  • She _______________ (not see) the film before
  • Peter ______________(not hear) about it.
  • We _______________ (talk) about divorce, but we never did it.

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