jueves, 30 de abril de 2015

Inglés II, (Jueves, 30/4/15)

    Affirmative (Suj + verb to be + verb+ing) - Pincha el enlace si no sabes conjugar el verbo to be
    I am working
    You are working
    He is working
    She is working
    It is working
    We are working
    You are working
    They are working
    Negative (Suje + verb to be + not + verb+ing) - Recuerda que el verbo to be en negativa suele aparecer contraído.
    I'm not working
    You aren't working
    He isn't working
    She isn't working
    It isn't working
    We aren't working
    You aren't working
    They aren't working
    Interrogative (Verbo to be + suj + verb+ing)
    Am I working?
    Are you working?
    Is he working?
    Is she working?
    Is it working?
    Are we working?
    Are you working?
    Are they working?
    • Uso del Present Continuous: usamos este tiempo para expresar acciones que están ocurriendo ahora mismo.
    • Expresiones de tiempo que acompañan al Present Continuous.
    - Now (ahora)
    - Right now (ahora mismo)
    - At the moment (en este moment)
    Ej. Sarah is cooking dinner now // They are watching TV right now // We are havingbreakfast at the moment

    * Cómo añadir -ing a los verbos:
  • La mayoría de los verbos añaden -ing sin que se observen cambios, (incluidos todos los verbos que acaban en -y). watch-watching // buy-buying // study-studying
  • Los verbos que acaban en -e, quitan la -e y añaden -ing. Have-having // dance-dancing
  • Los verbos que acaban en consonante+vocal+consonante, al añadir -ing, doblan la última consonante. Sit-sitting // swim-swimming // Clip-clipping
  • Los verbos acabados en -ie, cambian -ie por -y y añaden -ing. Die-dying//lie-lying

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