martes, 13 de enero de 2015

Ejercicios de repaso para el exámen de inglés IV

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form. Use FUTURE SIMPLE (WILL), GOING TO or PRESENT SIMPLE
  • My exam __________ (start) at 6 o'clock
  • Sarah __________________(study) German next year
  • I think I ____________ (stay) at home tonight
  • Look at the clouds, it _______________ (rain)
  • Maybe Mary __________ (marry) John
2. Fill in the blanks with a correct MODAL VERB
  • You (should/can)__________ go to the doctor, you don't look well
  • (May/must)_________ I speak to you for a moment?
  • You (shouldn't/mustn't) _____________ use your mobile phone in class
  • Mary (can't/mustn't) __________ drive. She hasn't got a car
  • I won't go to the beach tomorrow, it (may/must)_________ rain
 3. Fill in the blanks with a correct verb form. Use PAST SIMPLE or PAST CONTINUOUS
  • They broke the window while they ______________(play) tennis
  • Sarah was reading a book when her parents ________ (phone)
  • He _____________ (drive) very fast when the police stopped him
  • We were having dinner when my father ___________ (arrive)
  •  I ________________ (go) to London when my mobile rang
4. Fill in the blanks with a correct INTERROGATIVE WORD
  • ________ type of food do you like?
  • ___________ is Madrid from Toledo?
  • _________ is your birthday?
  • _______ is Peter? He is 23
  • ________ are you sad? - Because I failed my exam
5.- Fill in the gaps with the verb in brackets. Use PAST PERFECT.
  • I _____________ (be) here before
  • They ________________ (take) the decision before they could complain
  • She _______________ (not see) the film before
  • Peter ______________(not hear) about it.
  • We _______________ (talk) about divorce, but we never did it.

6.-Complete the sentences with the conditional.
a.  If she ……………………………… (get) a dog you will have to look after it.                                                                            b.  If  I ………………………………… (not/ be) too busy this morning, I´ll take the dog for a walk.                                        c.  If he hurries, he ………………………………….. (get) to library before it closes.                                                      d.  Who will look after the cat if you …………… (go) away on holiday?                                                                     e.  If your husband calls, I …………………………… (tell) him to call later.

7.- Change the sentences in Passive Voice.
a.  We won the match.
b. She bought four apples.
c. The man stole the blue car.
d. Jane swam the 200 metres.

8.-  Change the following sentences into REPORTED SPEECH
a- “ I want to be a lawyer”, Paul said that ……………………………………
b-“  My friends went to Jamaica last week”. Mary said that ………………...
c- “ We´re travelling to Menorca next year”. Jack said that ……………………
d- “ I will tell you the truth, Jack said that ……………………………………

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